A Melbourne council meeting has seen a vocal response to its anti-Australia Day decision.

Protesters interrupted an evening City of Yarra council meeting this week, carrying flags and signs and chanting “Aussie” and “shame” over megaphones despite the small room having just a handful of people in it.

The group – linked to the anti-immigration United Patriots Front – were angry at Yarra’s recent decision to stop referring to January 26 as Australia Day and officially support the #ChangeTheDate movement.

The move prompted the Federal Government to strip Yarra and other councils with similar stance of their powers to hold citizenship ceremonies.

Footage of the protest on was uploaded to the YouTube account of Neil Erikson, who earlier that day was found guilty of inciting serious contempt for Muslims.

The group focused their attention on pro-union councillor Stephen Jolly in particular.

“Stephen Jolly, he's shameful. Shameful. How dare you,” they yelled.

The protesters left after about 20 minutes, with no arrests made.

Cr Jolly said any attempt at intimidation had failed.

“It was a clear form of political intimidation. It didn't work. It has only made people more resolved to stand by their principles and they made idiots of themselves,” he said.

“These people are clearly anti-democratic and these people are clearly bullies and we will not be intimidated.”

Yarra Mayor Amanda Stone told reporters she felt no threat either.

“It was a small number. They left pretty quickly,” she said.

“One of them even apologised.”