Queensland’s Office of Industrial Relations claimed black lung was eradicated, while also paying out for it.

The Department of Defence wants permission to drive heavy military vehicles on civilian roads.

New research has looked at the 'thermal inequality' created by a lack of trees in poorer suburbs.

A NSW council has rushed to apologise after taking two years to warn residents of water contamination.

The Northern Territory government has refused further funding for Lifeline Top End.

The last infrastructure projects to receive money from the National Stronger Regions Fund have been announced.

The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has painted a grim picture of job losses due to water buy backs in Queensland and NSW.

A giant metal tube will soon start playing an important role in south-east Queensland’s water security.

Desalinated water currently provides the bulk of Perth’s drinking supplies.

The Australian Water Association has launched its latest Australian Water Outlook.

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has released a new app.

The Queensland Government is fast-tracking the remaining approvals for Adani’s Carmichael coal mine.

The local government-run Sunshine Coast Solar Farm has reached a milestone.

The NBN’s second Sky Muster satellite has launched, on its way to bringing more coverage to some of our most internet-starved areas.

The public sector is lagging when it comes to workplace LGBTI inclusion.

Job providers say a remote work for the dole scheme is “causing more harm than good”.

Infrastructure Victoria has called for a congestion tax in Melbourne's city centre.

A new report proposes a major merger of Tasmanian councils.

The Australian Dental Association has issued a warning about “extremist” anti-fluoride groups.

The NSW Government is installing 85 drumlines to take out sharks on the north coast.

Rooftop solar customers are losing their subsidies.

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