Archived News for Professionals in Local Government - January, 2012
The Queensland Government has announced a $28 million waste infrastructure grants program aimed at assisting businesses, industry and local government bodies adopt innovate resource recovery and recycling options.
“Grants of up to $5 million will be available for successful applicants to improve sorting and recovery processes,” State Environment Vicky Darling said.
Consult Australia champions urban design protocol
Consult Australia has adopted the principles of the Department of Infrastructure’s Creating Places for People: an Urban Design Protocol for Australian Cities.
Planning Institute appoints manager of disaster planning initiative
The Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) has appointed a former airport redevelopment manager to set up the initiative 'Supporting Post Disaster Planning in Flood Affected Areas'.
Deniliquin Effluent Re-use Scheme funded
The NSW Minister for Primary Industries, Katrina Hodgkinson has announced funding for the design and construction of the Deniliquin Effluent Re-use Scheme. The funding will be provided through the $1.2 billion Country Towns Water Supply and Sewerage Program.
CEO Comings and goings
The City of Wodonga is recruiting a new CEO, following the resignation of Gavin Cator, who has been appointed CEO of Greater Shepparton City Council. Mr Cator had been in the position since August 2008. Patience Harrington has been Acting CEO since Mr Cator’s departure on December 19. The City of Wodonga has a population of around 38,000 and services over 170,000 people regionally.
ACCC approves waste recycling joint tender for Hunter councils
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has granted interim authorisation to allow Hunter Resource Recovery to run a joint tender process for recycling services on behalf of the Cessnock City Council, Lake Macquarie City Council, Maitland City Council and Singleton Council.
Queensland sets new date for local government elections
Queensland's local government elections will be held on April 28. Local Government Minister Paul Lucas said the date had been set after consultation with the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ).
Hays Quarterly Report: Public Service
Recruitment specialist Hays has released its January to March quarterly report into labour and skills demand, examining the ‘current hotspots of recruitment activity and trends’.
Queensland sets state election date
The Queensland State Government has set the State election as March 24, three years since Premier Anna Bligh was elected in 2009.
Study of regional organisations of councils in NSW released
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) has collaborated with the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC) on a study comparing the structures, operations and activities of various Regional Organisations of Councils (ROCs) in New South Wales and similar groups in Western Australia.
Boroondara joins WHO Age-friendly Cities Program
Boroondara has become one of the first Victorian councils to join the World Health Organization's (WHO) Age-friendly Cities Program, reinforcing the City's reputation as a leader in the aged services field.
Representation review of City of Melbourne
The Victorian Electoral Commission is currently undertaking a representation review of the City of Melbourne, under the Section 219D of the Local Government Act 1989, which aims to ensure 'fair and equitable representation for the persons who are entitled to vote at a general election of the Council'.
SA councils invited to apply for RDAF funding
Seventeen South Australian councils have been invited to apply for funding under Round Two of the Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF).
NSW reviews swimming pool legislation
The NSW Government is currently seeking the views of swimming pool owners, local councils, key water safety organisations, State agencies and the wider community about the level of support for proposed amendments to the Swimming Pools Act 1992 and other relevant legislation to increase the safety of very young children around backyard swimming pools.
Metropolitan councils agree on strategic future
A forum of more than 70 leaders from metropolitan Local Governments has identified a preferred future for the sector that would reinforce strategic cooperation and could substantially reduce the number of Councils.
Queensland LNP to hand local planning back to councils
Queensland Liberal & National Party Leader, Campbell Newman, has released the LNP Property and Construction Strategy which claims a LNP government would ‘re-empower’ local councils in making planning decisions.
Tasmanian councils trial mediation service for environmental disputes
A 12-month mediation service is being trialed in Tasmania to try to resolve environmental disputes over issues such as music and motorbike noise, smoke from wood fires and backyard burning, other air pollution sources, and water contamination.
Urban Policy Forum appointed
The Federal Government has established a new Urban Policy Forum which will advise the Government on the implementation of its National Urban Policy.
Reform Forum plots future of WA councils
A forum hosting over 70 leaders from metropolitan councils across Western Australia has met to identify a preferred future for the sector that may see a significant reduction in the number of council bodies.
NSW Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme opens
The New South Wales Government has announced that the state’s councils can now apply for subsidies offered under the $70 million Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme, which will aim to assist councils to pay for the upgrade and maintenance of infrastructure.
Report into NSW ROCs operations released
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) and the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC) have published a collaborative research study that compares the structures, operations and activities of various Regional Organisations of Councils (ROCs) in New South Wales and similar groups in Western Australia.