Archived News for Professionals in Local Government - March, 2012
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has met with a Kenyan delegation as part of its visit to Australia to seek advice on how to optimise a devolved system of government.
Under constitutional reforms in Kenya in 2010, a two-tier system of government – national and local government – was established, although questions relating to the allocation of roles and responsibilities and the matching allocation of funding remain to be resolved.
The delegation was particularly interested in the inter-governmental structures that exist in Australia – such as the Council of Australian Governments – and the mechanisms by which the Federal Government funds councils including the Financial Assistance Grants and direct funding programs such as Roads to Recovery. The delegation was also interested in the issue of constitutional recognition of local government in Australia.
WADLG to conduct inquiry into City of Canning
Western Australian Local Government Minister John Castrilli has directed the Department of Local Government to undertake an inquiry into matters relating to the governance of the City of Canning.
LGAT hits out at reformist lobby group
The Local Government Association of Tasmania has hit out at the lobby group pushing for reform of the Local Government sector in Tasmania.
LGSA supports MP/councillor dual roles
The Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW (LGSA) have come to the defence of councillors and mayors in NSW who have also been elected by their communities as Members of Parliament, saying that the NSW Government should let communities vote for the best people to represent their communities.
Tasmania pushes for Coastal Act
The Tasmanian Minister for Climate Change, Cassy O’Connor, has addressed the Australian Coastal Councils Conference in Hobart, outlining her vision for a Tasmanian Coastal Act that would aim to provide a strong management and planning framework for the state’s coastal areas.
Risky homes still being approved on Australia's coast
New homes worth hundreds of millions of dollars are being approved in Australia's coastal zones under local government planning controls that haven't been updated to account for climate change impacts, according to a recently launched report.
Regional Australia Institute launches
The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) has officially launched after nearly two years in the making.
Greater Darwin Plan released
The Northern Territory Government has released the Greater Darwin Plan which provides the strategic framework that will aim to guide the growth of Darwin city and the surrounding region.
New web portal to keep coastal councils up with research
A new web portal has been developed by CSIRO that will enable coastal councils, and other coastal stakeholders, to find research easily at a national level, and then focus on regional and local research projects.
ACCC allows Hunter councils collective tendering and contracting for recycling services
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission proposes to allow Hunter Resource Recovery and its member councils to collectively tender and contract for recycling services.
Victoria unlocks library funding
The Victorian Government has announced the opening of round two of funding of the $17.2 million Living Libraries Infrastructure Program.
Gold Coast mayor resigns to run for state elections
Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke has resigned after eight years in the job to nominate as an independent candidate for the seat of Broadwater in the upcoming State Election.
“After considerable consultation with my wife Helen and my family, I have decided to ‘have a go’ at contesting the State Election,” said Cr Clarke.
“It has been a long time passion of mine to try to restore equity in water pricing, secure a full time police helicopter for our city, retain the Gold Coast Show at a suitable site, and ensure the Commonwealth Games results in an enduring legacy for the Gold Coast.
“All of this can only be secured by having a suitable Gold Coast representative in State Parliament.
“While my decision to resign means I will not serve out my full term as Mayor, the decision by the Premier to postpone the local government elections until after the State polls forced my hand,” said Cr Clarke.
Deputy Mayor Daphne McDonald will assume the role of Acting Mayor until the local government elections on 28 April.