Archived News for Professionals in Local Government - May, 2013
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mayors, CEOs and councillors have joined Queensland Ministers to discuss financial stability, constitutional recognition and the upcoming Federal election at the Indigenous Leaders Forum in Cairns this week.
Poll shows recognition support
The majority of Australian voters would support constitutional recognition of local government, according to the latest Nielsen poll.
Victoria hands back major site responsibility
The Victorian Government has handed back responsibility for 21 strategic sites to their local metropolitan councils.
Recognition legislation introduced before Parliament
The Federal Government has introduced legislation before Parliament that will seek to allow a referendum on local government recognition in the Australian Constitution.
ACCC greenlights Sydney councils DRM tendering
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has announced it has gratned authorization to a number of innter-Sydney councils to jointly tender and contract for the processing of dry recyclable materials (DRM).
Government calls for Moorebank proponents
The Federal Government is calling for private companies to register their interest in developing and operating the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal.
NSW announces ferry overhaul
The New South Wales Government has outlined a new plan that will deliver brand new ferries, wharves and extra services starting later this year as part of a program aimed at modernising the city’s iconic mode of transportation.
Racism a daily event for Victorians finds report
Overt racism may well be on the decline around the country, but it still remains part of daily life for all too many Victorians according to a new report released by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission.
Tasmania funds planning overhaul
The Tasmanian Government has announced it will inject a further $500,000 to continue a major overhaul of the state’s planning system.
Tasmania passes major local government reform
The Tasmanian Government has passed major local government reforms through the State’s Legislative Council which will now see the delivery of ‘all-in, all-out’ council elections.
NSW launches new biosecurity strategy
The New South Wales Government has officially launched the state’s new biosecurity strategy, with Premier Barry O’Farrell calling on residents to work with government agencies to ensure the sate maintains its ‘excellent biosecurity status’.
Queensland hands back development area
The Queensland Government has announced it has revoked the Bundamba to Swanbank Development Area (SDA), and will hand back planning control of the corridor to Ipswich City Council.
Queensland moves to streamline community housing
The Queensland Government has announced it has ‘laid the groundwork’ for the delivery of a uniform registration system for local government providers of community housing.
Round five DEP opens
The Federal Government is calling for applications for more NBN backed initiatives under round five of the Digital Enterprise Program (DEP).
Tasmania announces rating reform
The Tasmanian Government has announced it will work with the state’s councils to progressively roll-out a new rating and valuationg system following the release of a report into the sector.
Victoria announces new conservation strategy
The Victorian Government has rolled out its new $1 billion Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, which it says will serve the needs of both the housing industry and the state’s biodiversity.
ALGA calls for unity as referendum nears
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has called for bi-partisan support of the forthcoming referendum on local government recognition in the Constitution.
ALGA welcomes local government spend
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed the delivery of the Federal Budget, saying its increased spending for local initiatives comes at a crucial time for communities.
Feedback sought on SA development plan
The Federal and South Australian Governments are seeking public feedback on three new mining and infrastructure plans that will aim to guide the rollout of major transport, logistics, energy and water projects in regional South Australian.
Local government at the fore in countering violence against women
As the branch of government closest to the people, it is the role of the nation’s local government bodies to take a stand against violence against women, according to the President of the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) Bill McArthur.
NT outlines local government funding
The Northern Territory Government has slated $6.2 million for Local Government reform in the 2013 Budget.