Ipswich City Council will remove the name of its disgraced former mayor from local infrastructure.

Former Ipswich mayor Paul Pisasale’s name will be stripped from Paul Pisasale Bridge in Springfield Central and Pisasale Drive in Yamanto, with current Mayor Teresa Harding saying the council wants to erase the “source of embarrassment” for the city. 

It comes after Mr Pisasale was last year jailed over 33 charges ranging from sexual assault to official corruption.

The council has also voted to prepare a report that will cover community sentiment and options for new names.

Cr Harding said removing the disgraced mayor’s name is not about re-writing history.

“The name of a former mayor, who has been found guilty of over 30 serious crimes, including two counts of sexual assault against a 23-year-old woman, and given a sentence of imprisonment, is etched into our public places, and is seen by many in the community as an embarrassing reminder of a previous era,” she said.

The council has also proposed renaming several other locations around Ipswich that carry the names of sacked councillors.

The council is auctioning off hundreds of sporting memorabilia items purchased with ratepayer funds by the previous council.