The Productivity Commission has released an issues paper for the study on Business Regulation Benchmarking: Role of Local Government  to assist interested parties and citizens in preparing submissions to the Commission.


In undertaking this study, the Productivity Commission has been requested to benchmark the extent to which particular approaches to the exercise of regulatory responsibilities by local government authorities affects costs incurred by business and specifically to:

  • identify the scope of local government regulatory responsibilities in each state and territory
  • clarify the extent to which the local government role includes implementing policies of national and state/territory governments
  • assess whether different responsibilities and the approach taken to their exercise has a material impact on business costs
  • identify best practices which have the capacity to reduce unnecessary regulatory costs for business.


The study will develop indicators to benchmark the performance of jurisdictions and facilitate regulatory improvements, and will draw on leading practice approaches both across Australia and overseas.


Any interested party is invited to make a submission to the public study. Submissions should be lodged with the Commission by 31 October, 2011.


Submissions may range from a short letter outlining views on a particular topic to a more substantial document covering a range of issues relevant to the study's terms of reference.


The issues paper can be downloaded here