Big meet to take long view of Local Government future
There will be plenty of issues to mull over when representatives from across Queensland’s local government sector converge next week.
Proposed changes to disaster management funding, looming White Papers on Federation and Taxation Reform and proposed amendments to council rating categories will be hot topics at the 118th Local Government Association of Queensland's (LGAQ) annual conference.
Over 600 local government delegates, observers and corporate partners are expected to attend the three day annual conference in Mackay from Monday.
LGAQ President Margaret de Wit said it is a critical time for local government to set its long term agenda in Queensland, in the face of threats from several directions.
"We'll be launching our 2015 State Election Local Government Policy Plan at the conference, which identifies the highest priority investment opportunities for the State in the local government sector," she said.
"It's been an eventful year for local government, which has been reflected in the record number of motions tabled for discussion this year in Mackay."
"The conference theme is ‘Going for Growth' and this is certainly reflected in the 117 motions which councils will vote on, encompassing everything from planning reforms to dangerous dogs."
Cr de Wit also foreshadowed a major campaign announcement related to local government productivity which she said had the potential to significantly change the way local councils evaluated their services.
"We've got a few exciting announcements up our sleeve this year," she said.
More details can be found on the LGAQ website.