The City of Greater Geelong will commence work on a new Environment Management Strategy to provide strategic direction on environmental management in the Greater Geelong region.

The new strategy will be guided by the existing Environment Management Strategy 2006-2011 which is nearing the end of its nominated date range.

Council’s Environment and Sustainability portfolio holder Cr John Doull said the existing strategy identified 223 actions - the majority of which were complete.

“Approximately 75 per cent of the actions in the existing strategy are now complete and while others will carry over into the new plan, new and emerging environmental issues such as climate change need to be considered in the new strategy,” Cr Doull said.

“The Environment Management Strategy is one of the Council’s most important strategic environmental documents and will inform much of the planning in the area of environment and sustainability in the next five years.

“The updated Environment Management Strategy will assist the Council to manage many important aspects of the local environment including the preservation of biodiversity, a reduction in carbon emissions, improved marine and freshwater habitats, improved urban and rural water quality, better air quality and enhanced sustainability features in urban development,” said Cr Doull.

The new Environment Management Strategy will operate alongside other strategies such as the Sustainable Water Use Strategy, Education and Partnerships, Biodiversity Strategy, Geelong Wetland Strategy, Greenhouse Response 2008-2011 and the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.

Cr Doull said the new strategy would be developed in partnership with relevant stakeholders and would be guided by an advisory committee with representatives from Council and external agencies, authorities and special interest groups.