City planners call for fewer metro councils
The Federal Government’s key advisory body on infrastructure has put out the call to consolidate local governments in metropolitan areas.
Infrastructure Australia’s latest report to the Council of Australian Governments says urban planning needs a drastic overhaul, with fragmented metropolitan governments hamstrung on strategic planning of city networks. The latest issue of Infrastructure Australia’s National Infrastructure Plan highlights some advantages to having fewer cities-within-cities, including the minimisation of complexity, support for sustainable tax bases and more substantial infrastructure investments.
Currently Brisbane is comprised of five local government areas, Melbourne has 31 and Sydney has 38.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Sir Rod Eddington says along with the consolidation of smaller metro councils, a single federal infrastructure fund should be formed.
Sir Rod said, “If adopted and pursued with vigour, these reforms will ensure that Australia secures the infrastructure it needs... there are challenges in pursuing these reforms. The community is wary of change. Too often, governments have been reluctant to make the case for such change... failure to pursue these reforms will leave a poor legacy for our children and grandchildren.”
IA’s full report to COAG is available here.