The Victorian Government is set to cut the “unnecessary” red tape surrounding the management of rural public halls and sporting grounds.

A Governance Practice Note has been handed down to the state’s local government special committees appointed to run public facilities such as halls, recreation reserves and business promotion campaigns.

Victorian Minister for Local Government Jeanette Powell believes community volunteers must be exempt from “bureaucratic red tape”.

Powell said the Government “wants to encourage and reward community minded people who are prepared to roll up their sleeves to keep community halls open and mow the footy oval... Government will not allow Councils to burden these local heroes with filling out legalistic forms.”

The Practice Note to councils recommends adopting simplified requirements for non-Council committee members.

Suggestions include exemptions from submitting six-monthly private interest returns; requiring only name, address, email and telephone contact details of committee members; and allowing clubs and organisations to nominate representatives to serve on committees.

“Far too many community volunteers have complained of being forced off local committees because of the paperwork burden or invasive nature of application forms,” The Local Government Minister said, “there is no need for Councils to require private personal information such as bank accounts, assets, loans, drivers licenses or other personal information regarding volunteer members of hall or grounds committees.”