Council reformed for NGA
This year’s National General Assembly (NGA) will mark the historic return of the Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG).
The ACLG will meet for the first time in more than a decade after the Federal Government announced this week that it would re-establish the body.
Its return will be held on Friday 16 June 2023 in Canberra, as part of a government commitment to bring local government back to the table as a trusted delivery partner of services to local communities.
Advocates say it is an important moment for local government in Australia after the ACLG forum was dissolved in 2013 by the previous Government.
The ACLG was first established as an annual meeting by then Minister for Local Government, Anthony Albanese in 2008.
To be held at the conclusion of the 2023 NGA, the ACLG provides a unique opportunity for mayors, shire presidents and local government stakeholders to meet directly and engage with Commonwealth Ministers as well as the Prime Minister.
Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) President Cr Linda Scott said: “This is a valuable opportunity for Australian councils to speak directly to Federal Ministers about the key issues and opportunities for our communities.
“Importantly, the ACLG will follow and be informed by the discussions at our NGA, which is the biggest annual gathering of local government leaders in Australia.”
Federal Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said: “This is an opportunity to bring local councils to Canberra to speak directly with Ministers and myself over the pressing issues impacting the sector.
“We will give local government the central role and seat at the table it deserves, and draw on the local know-how to deliver our shared priorities.”
Federal Local Government Minister Kristy McBain said: “Bringing back the ACLG recognises the important role local governments play in delivering services to our communities, and the benefits of partnering together at all levels of government.