Grants seek aged boost
Grant applications are open for SA councils that want to contribute to an age friendly state.
The state’s Office for Ageing Well is offering Age Friendly SA Grants to assist local governments to fund projects that support older South Australians to age well, be involved and active.
Local governments and equivalent organisations, including South Australia’s councils, Regional Local Government Associations, and Aboriginal and Outback Communities, are encouraged to apply either individually or in partnership.
Individual applicants can apply for up to $40,000 to fund a project of up to 12 months while three or more applicants can form a regional project partnership and seek a grant of up to $60,000.
Applicants can submit more than one application for different projects, and are encouraged to collaborate with non-government, non-profit community organisations, or other relevant partners to deliver projects that support age friendly innovation, and active participation.
They should also look to develop and deliver projects with older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
More details are accessible here.