Victoria’s new Local Government Bill is in its final consultation phase.

The Exposure Draft of the Local Government Bill marks the fourth and final stage of public consultation on the Local Government Act Review before the Bill enters the Parliament.

The Government says its draft bill seeks to:

  • provide a better understanding of the role of councils as democratically elected bodies
  • encourage Victorians to participate more as candidates, voters and citizens in council activities and contribute to council strategic visions and plans
  • drive more autonomous and outcome focused councils
  • encourage Councils to embrace innovative and collaborative arrangements that increase organisational efficiency and deliver public value for residents
  • provide a sound framework for the sector to become more efficient and enterprising in its local governance.

Councils, peak bodies and all other interested stakeholders are encouraged to make a submission on the bill, which will inform the final drafting of the Bill.

The closing date for submissions has been extended to Friday, 16 March 2018 at 5pm.

A copy of the draft bill is accessible here, as well as an explanatory document designed to help readers navigate the legislation.