LGAQ wants new councillors' cop
The LGAQ says an independent election monitor should be set up purely to prevent baseless mud-slinging in upcoming council elections.
The authority says it has so far seen the “dirtiest” campaign period ever, and wants an end to the madness.
LGAQ CEO Greg Hallam told reporters this week that claims levelled against council candidates in the state’s first “truly social media campaign” were so outrageous that they would be humorous if they didn’t damage democracy.
“Some of it is actually funny it's so stupid,” he said on ABC radio.
But some claims are deeply personal and potentially defamatory, he said.
“These people throw mud with one reason in mind, that's to damage their opponent - they don't care what the consequences are,” Mr Hallam said.
“We’ve had State MPs Rob Pyne using the cover of parliamentary privilege and Ian Rickuss using mass mailouts to trash the names of respected council figures and now we see leaks about a Brisbane City Council decision being referred to the CCC.
“It’s time to stop the rot and remember that a clean election campaign is the only good campaign in the minds of the community.
“The independent election monitor's job would be to call people out on the ‘BS’ and tip the bucket back on them,” he said.
The LGAQ says it is looking for funds and personnel to set up the monitor, suggesting that a retired judge or someone else held in high regard would be a good candidate to run it.