The Local Government and Shires Association of NSW (LGSA) has continued to push for the establishment of a Container Deposit Scheme.


The LGS has expressed its ‘serious reservations’ with the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) issued by COAG, saying that the container deposit/refund scheme (CDS) is the victim of of ‘powerful anti-CDS packaging industry interests’.


"While we applaud the Ministers for continuing to pursue an investigation into CDS, we are disappointed that, instead of a focused study on CDS, we've now been handed an RIS with several alternative options, many of which are designed to enshrine the current situation whereby industry can continue to shirk its responsibility for managing its packaging waste," LGSA President Cr Keith Rhoades said.


"It may be low cost to them, but the cost to Local Government of the ongoing servicing of such clearly ineffective infrastructure is massive - It's a cost-shift in its purest form."