No court needed after council and union sit-down
A Victorian council and a workers’ union have come to an agreement which will keep them both from wasting time and money on a legal dispute.
The Australian Services Union (ASU) has dropped a Fair Work case against the West Wimmera Shire, after the two parties were able to reach resolution on their own.
The union and the council were in dispute about a proposed reformation of the shire’s family and community services sector.
Some councillors had been concerned that a planned restructure of family and community services was going ahead with little information and a lack of transparency.
Union organiser Mark Brady said this week that dragging the issue before the Fair Work Commission had been a last resort, happily avoided.
“We had that sit-down discussion and got to a point where we're fairly comfortable,” he told the ABC
“It now depends on management, how they take this out to staff and consult with their staff and hopefully we don't have to relist it and we can move on.”