NT councils to be boosted by road money
The Local Government Association of the Northern Territory says councils can get some serious work done with hundreds of millions of dollars allocated in the new NT budget.
LGANT President Damien Ryan has welcomed the budget announcement, which includes over $587 million for transport and infrastructure projects across the Territory.
He says this will be a big boost to many local government regions, especially those that are routinely cut off due to poor roads and frequent floods.
“This Budget delivers for Territorians. Territory councils have much to be pleased about with a number of programmed projects in their local government areas,” Mr Ryan said.
“The infrastructure spend across all council areas, particularly strategic roads with an emphasis on providing access and flood immunity. This is very beneficial to municipal, regional and remote areas.”
The infrastructure investment for projects includes:
- $11.5 million – Duplicating Vanderlin Drive from Leanyer Recreation Park to McMillans Road
- $32 million – Upgrades to Outback Way
- $25 million – Sealing of Mereenie Inner Loop
- $2.5 million – Sealing sections of the Lajamanu access road between Kalkarindji and Lajamanu
- $7.5 million – Sadadeen Road Alice Springs bypass
- $7 million – Upgrading and sealing sections of Tanami Road
- $12.5 million – Strengthening six bridges on the Tablelands Highway
- $27.45 million – Continuing works on the regional road network: Port Keats Road, Santa Teresa Road, Roper and Buntine Highways, Central Arnhem Road and the Arnhem Link Road.
President Ryan also welcomed the recurrent funding commitments for local government.
- $32.97 million in Commonwealth Financial Assistance Grants
- $7.9 million for the continuation of an Indigenous Matching Jobs Program
- $5 million for local authorities to support the financial sustainability of regional councils
- $1 million as the final instalment of a $6.2 million four year program to review local government across the Territory
- $1 million as part of a three year agreement with LGANT to strengthen governance and capacity building of the local government sector
- $25.91 million for grants to councils from the NT Operational Subsidy grants pool.
“This funding will assist regional councils to provide important services in remote communities,” Ryan said.