Queensland councils selected for reconstruction funding
The Queensland Government has identified a further 14 councils that will receive advance funding injections for reconstruction efforts following the floods and Cyclone Yasi. .
In the past two weeks, a total of $387 million in advance funding has been allocated by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority to 44 affected councils. Further councils are expected to be nominated for funding.
Under the Natural Disaster Recovery and Relief Arrangements (NDRRA) between the States and the Commonwealth, the Federal Government will be responsible for meeting up to 75% of these costs.
The Authority will now further validate and substantiate council submissions before providing final authorisation to proceed.
More than 80 per cent of this money will go towards reconstructing roads, and the total damage bill for councils is likely to be more than $2 billion.
The additional councils selected for funding are:
1.Cairns Regional Council - $5.9M
2.Croydon Shire Council $2.7M
3.Hinchinbrook Shire Council - $17M
4.Hope Vale Shire Council $712,000
5.McKinlay Shire Council - $936,000
6.Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council $1.4M
7.Redland City Council $849,000
8.Rockhampton Regional Council - $18.6M
9.Scenic Rim Regional Council - $6.1M
10.Sunshine Coast Regional Council - $693,00
11.Western Downs Regional Council - $13M
12.Winton Shire Council - $2.2M
13.Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council - $309.000
14.Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council - $2.1M
Already announced:
15.Balonne Shire Council - $4.1M
16.Banana Shire Council - $7.2M
17.Barcaldine Regional Council - 2.1M
18.Bundaberg Regional Council - $7.1M
19.Central Highlands Regional Council - $13.2M
20.Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council - $80,586
21.Cloncurry Shire Council - $1M
22.Cook Shire Council - $3.6M
23.Gladstone Regional Council - $18.3M
24.Ipswich City Council - $20.7M
25.Toowoomba Regional Council - $15.4M
26.Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council - $323,460
27.Blackall- Tambo Regional Council -- $2.9M
28.Brisbane City Council - $54M
29.Burdekin Shire Council - $1.7M
30.Cassowary Coast regional -- $19.9M
31.Etheridge Shire Council (Georgetown) -- $2.7M
32.Fraser Coast Regional Council -- $2.1M
33.Goondiwindi Regional Council -- $2.8M
34.Gympie Regional Council -- $3.7M
35.Lockyer Valley Regional Council -- $37.8M
36.Mackay Regional Council -- $4.4M
37.Moreton Bay Regional Council -- $2.8M
38.North Burnett Regional Council -- $3.1M
39.Somerset Regional Council -- $8.6M
40.South Burnett Regional Council - $25.9M
41.Tablelands Regional Council - $12.8M
42.Torres Shire Council - $64,900
43.Townsville City Council -- $25.2M
44.Whitsunday Regional Council - $10M