Queensland moves to streamline community housing
The Queensland Government has announced it has ‘laid the groundwork’ for the delivery of a uniform registration system for local government providers of community housing.
Under the scheme, the 58 Queensland local councils that provide community housing services will be registered to ensure uniform regulatory standards.
The move follows a two-month project by the Local Government Association of Queensland and the Office of the Registrar within the Department of Housing and Public Works to map the National Regulatory System for Community Housing evidence requirements against current local government reporting requirements.
GAQ President Cr Margaret de Wit said that the process was a good example of what could be achieved by working together in the spirit of the Partners in Government Agreement signed by the two spheres of government in July last year.
“I would like to express my appreciation of the Government’s willingness to seek local government’s input early in the process and its commitment to avoid duplication between the new registration system and existing reporting obligations,” Cr de Wit said.