Rate maths unknown in WA
Authorities say most West Australian residents do not know how their rates are calculated.
Each year households across WA receive their Local Government rates notices, however independent research, commissioned by the WA Local Government Association (WALGA), has found only about one in five WA ratepayers can identify how rates are calculated.
A total of 22 per cent correctly identified that rates form a portion of each Local Government’s annual budget.
Of the remainder, 32 per cent believed rates were calculated similar to stamp duty, with another 14 per cent linking rates directly to the housing market.
The survey of 1,000 West Australians from across the state found 73 per cent of respondents wanted to better understand the process. It also found that 69 per cent of people wanted a greater say on their rates; while about 40 per cent would be prepared to either pay higher rates for more services, or accept a cut to services for lower rates.
“Rates form a significant part of Councils’ operating budgets that is needed to provide the facilities and services that are required by the respective communities,” says WALGA President, Cr Tracey Roberts.
“The greater the input from the community and involvement with the Council, the more likely it is that the services and facilities provided, and the rates required, will meet their expectations.”