Representative governance arrangements study underway
A comparative study of representative governance arrangements for local governments across Australia is being undertaken by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government and the Victorian Local Governance Association.
The research project – Representative local democracy: an analysis of experience in Australia – started earlier this year and a draft working paper will be produced for consultation by November.
It is based around a set of themes including representative structure; voting structure; Mayor and Deputy Mayor; Role and Responsibilities of Councillors; and Relationship between council administration and elected members.
The research will look at whether the roles and powers of the mayors, deputy mayors and councillors are clearly defined in local government legislation.
The research will also look at issues including the relationship between the mayor and CEO; the mechanisms for delegating to senior management and the implications; and the nature of the relationship between councillors.
The project will involve an extensive literature review of state and territory policies and legislation together with a consultation process through interviews, focus groups and roundtable discussions.
It is expected the ALCEG and the VLGA will prepare a final paper for release by April 2013. Further details of the research can be found here.