Tight community bonds may help prevent environmental progress.

A new study investigates the effects of robust local ties on the acceptance and implementation of environmental projects, including sustainability programs and greenhouse gas reduction efforts.

Traditionally, strong communities have been perceived as positive for both social cohesion and environmental stewardship. However, the study indicates that these bonds can sometimes become obstacles. 

The researchers found that tight-knit communities often create echo chambers, where prevailing beliefs are continuously reinforced with minimal external debate. 

This dynamic mirrors the behaviour seen in social media communities, where like-minded individuals reinforce each other's views on controversial issues.

While cohesive communities can effectively combat environmental problems like pollution and overfishing, they can also resist new initiatives. 

“We’ve observed entire villages mobilising against renewable energy projects. For example, here in Australia, farmers in tight-knit communities have coordinated opposition to what they perceive as sudden, forceful changes on their land,” says Associate Professor Petr Matous, Associate Head of the School of Project Management at the University of Sydney.

The researchers say community pushback can be a major hurdle in achieving Australia's net-zero goals. 

Many sustainability transitions require large land areas and changes to traditional land management practices, which can lead to significant resistance, including legal actions and protests.

The study used quantitative analysis to explore how community networks affect the outcomes of programs aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in farming. 

By analysing data from 70 communities in Indonesia, provided by Swisscontact, the researchers defined strong communities as those with many interconnections and high cohesion.

Associate Professor Matous explained that social dynamics in these communities could explain why some programs succeed in certain areas but fail in others. 

“In tightly knit clusters of relationships with like-minded individuals, people may become entrenched in collective positions,” he said. 

“Strong community bonds may coincide with distrust or indifference toward outsiders. Members of tight-knit communities may also be adept at defending their collective interests, which may not always align with broader environmental or societal goals.”

Dr Abner Yalu, a contributor to the study, noted that strong internal bonding within communities often leads to unified practices but resistance to external recommendations, such as sustainable farming techniques.

The researchers say their study shows the importance of engaging communities through genuine dialogue. 

“Climate change demands urgent action, but policymakers and program leaders must strike a balance by effectively engaging communities through genuine dialogue,” said Associate Professor Matous. 

“We must respect that local community members are best positioned to evaluate the significance of their surroundings; they often understand what works in their context and may have valid reasons for resistance.”