WADLG to conduct inquiry into City of Canning
Western Australian Local Government Minister John Castrilli has directed the Department of Local Government to undertake an inquiry into matters relating to the governance of the City of Canning.
Mr Castrilli said the inquiry followed a request from the mayor of the City of Canning to initiate a review of matters associated with staffing issues and administration.
“The information I received since that request led me to the view an authorised inquiry is necessary,” he said.
Issues included:
- governance by the elected council and relationship with executive staff
- human resources recruitment processes
- procurement of goods and services, including tender processes and contract management
- general performance.
“The authorised inquiry under Part 8 Division 1 of the Local Government Act 1995 will thoroughly examine matters related to these issues and any other matters the investigative team discovers during its inquiry,” the Minister said.
“I have initiated this inquiry to ensure the City of Canning is operating in the best interests of its community
“It is anticipated the inquiry will require about six months - essential if this task is thoroughly undertaken.”