The Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) has lent its voice to the push for the introduction of a cash for containers scheme.


WALGA President Mayor Troy Pickard said the time was right for the introduction of a scheme, saying that the Local Government sector had long been calling for legislation to encourage recycling.


“Container deposit legislation in other states has been proven to be successful in increasing recycling rates and reducing litter,” Mayor Pickard said.


“We were delighted to hear in September last year that legislation was going to be introduced to State Parliament to bring such a scheme into effect, however this was put on hold whilst a national scheme was considered.”


As ALGA Vice President, Mayor Pickard, along with State Environment Ministers will attend the upcoming meeting of the Standing Council on Environment and Water at which they will decide whether to progress a National Scheme.


Mayor Pickard said although a national scheme would be ideal, it was debatable whether it could be achieved in a timely fashion.


“While we definitely support a national process, pressures from the beverage industry, possible flaws in the cost benefit analysis and different State political priorities may slow or halt the process,” he said.


“If the national process stalls, we will be calling on the WA Environment Minister to introduce a ‘cash for containers’ scheme here in WA.”