Archived News for Professionals in Local Government - December, 2014
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Mick Gooda has urged the West Australian government to actually consult Aboriginal people in remote communities, before booting them off their land.
Lake Macquarie's green prize marks excellent efforts
Lake Macquarie City Council has won the big prize at this year’s Local Government Excellence in the Environment Awards.
LGA takes aim at missed shot on planning
The Local Government Association of South Australia has slammed the state’s opposition for what it says is a broken promise.
Peg picked to provide slightly less in NSW
Debate has been sparked over a process unique to NSW councils; the rate-peg.
Sharing is saving for regional councils
West Australian councils are celebrating the success of a long campaign for a new regional subsidiaries model.
Broad call for sea of opinions
The heads of the Commonwealth Bioregional Advisory Panels want as people as possible to get involved in the conversation about Commonwealth Marine Reserves.
Hockey claims show cost of free trade
Treasurer Joe Hockey has strongly linked the end of subsidies to Australian car manufacturing with the securing of trade agreements with Asian nations.
Murrumbidgee's fix finished for now
Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI) has finished one of its biggest water infrastructure projects yet.
New welfare scheme hits harder than before
There is a lot of concern around the Federal Government’s new jobs program for remote welfare recipients.
Reef rates high for three local governments
Beach clean-ups, rehabilitating waterways, new waste management initiatives - three far north Queensland councils have done all this and more over the last five years to protect the Great Barrier Reef.
Brisbane transit bites dust amid BaT tunnel landing
There is no love left for Brisbane’s “ugly” transport hub, with plans announced for a total makeover.
Equal time could see FIFO suicide decline
Suggestions for ways to reduce the tragic rate of suicide among fly-in-fly-out workers have been included in a report following a West Australian Parliamentary.