Archived News for Professionals in Local Government - March, 2020
Queensland Government's new local government watchdog has called out former Ipswich deputy mayor Paul Tully just weeks before council elections.
Adelaide ad to fight fear
Adelaide City Council is planning a marketing scheme to help Chinatown traders.
Council changes coming
Victoria’s new Local Government Bill has passed the Upper House, with amendments.
Gas regulation found lacking
An official report has questioned compliance in Queensland’s CSG regulation.
Wastewater gives illicit insight
Australia’s wastewater has given new insights into the nation’s drug consumption.
NT job scheme run from QLD
The NT Government has handed a contract for its $89 million Local Jobs Fund to a Queensland firm.
DV leave extended
The NSW Government has extended its policy to offer up to 10 days’ domestic violence leave to public servants.
Climate link laid out
A new report draws a direct link between climate conditions in Australia and recent bushfires.
Developer's deeds detailed
A Victorian court has heard more details of ‘astroturfing’ by developers trying to buy approval.
Farm laws rile growers
Some producers are angry at the WA Government's new legislation to crack down on farm trespassers.
Remote scheme to stem 'glue ear'
With up to 90 per cent of Aboriginal children suffering from otitis media, or “glue ear”, a new research project is trying to improve the stakes.
Dispenser decline questioned
The threat of vandalism has seen hand soap removed from many public toilets, but the threat of COVID-19 could bring it back.
Floods test basin plan
Flood waters are bringing the first major test of the northern projects of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan since it was struck in 2012.
Robo-car readiness assessed
A new study has investigated the infrastructure needs of automated vehicles in Australia now and in the future.