A local report has accused Centrelink’s national boss of racking up excess costs, while the department sacks hundreds of workers.

All councils will be looking to save a few dollars at the moment, and the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) has urged its members to think of technological ways to tighten the belt.

Millions of dollars have been provided to allow more Indigenous and disadvantaged Australians to attend university.

Regional Development Australia says the Federal Government is neglecting one of its most vulnerable communities by ignoring the closure of a Northern Territory refinery, and the likely ruination of nearby residents.

The Council region within which a contentious port expansion has been approved is looking to ensure it can be used for something other than coal.

There has long been a perception that the public sector enjoys a bit of regulation, but a recent speech from Dr Ian Watt says the opposite is now the way.

An agreement has been struck to change the relationship between the governments of Australia and Papua New Guinea.

One council has become the first in Tasmania to implement the Local Government Peak Oil Action Plan, which seeks to help fight the ever-increasing cost of fuel.

Six hundred gigalitres of water from the River Murray system, the Goulburn and Murrumbidgee Rivers will be pushed where it is needed most, according to Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment, Senator Simon Birmingham.

A bill is being considered which will hand more control to Queensland governments for approval of mining leases, but some say it does not go far enough.

There has been some word on the public-private arrangement planned for the new $1.8 billion Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

A push is on to make sure many Tasmanian residents do not miss out on National Broadband Network connections they had been promised.

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has pushed for state and federal governments to stop dumping new duties on local governments, without the appropriate funding support.

Local councils in Queensland have been given permission to frighten flying foxes into retreat, and possibly to bring out the big guns next year.

Many councils and ratepayers may soon get up to half their money back, after the collapse of merchant bank Lehman Brothers short-changed them to the tune of millions.

The Mayor of the Gold Coast has rejected allegations he has a conflict of interest in a proposed high-rise development.

One regional community has started a push to boost local food production, hoping to plump the supply of fresh produce for the cyclone season.

One mining firm has defended its move to close an aluminium refinery in the Northern Territory, but the AWU says it may legally have to keep the doors open.

New South Wales teachers have voted strongly in favour of a new performance-based pay deal which will see the most prime pedagogues paid six-figure salaries.

The Western Australian Government has announced a multi-million dollar plan to investigate novel ways of watering the desert, hoping to propagate a new future for the Pilbara region.

Figures show that there a fewer work opportunities for people with disabilities than there were twenty years ago.

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