Another Chance To Comment On Transport Study
Another Chance To Comment On Transport Study
Bass Coast residents have another opportunity to comment on the Phillip Island Integrated Transport Study after the release of a draft report.
In the second half of 2013, consultants held a comprehensive community engagement exercise to see what residents wanted to see in the transport network through to 2030.
The aim of the Phillip Island Integrated Transport Study is to develop an integrated transport vision for Phillip Island and San Remo through to 2030.
The final document will provide the framework for Council and the State Government to develop sustainable transport policies, programs and infrastructure to cater for the current and future transport needs of the Phillip Island and San Remo communities.
The community now has a further opportunity to provide input by commenting on the draft Phillip Island Integrated Transport Study report on Council’s website.
The draft report has been written based on input from a community engagement process that included:
- four Focus Groups allowing in-depth discussion of transport issues raised by Councillors, transport operators, emergency services, regulatory authorities, community and environmental groups, and others
- three community ‘drop in’ sessions in San Remo, Newhaven and Cowes
- a community survey which received approximately 650 responses
- sharing information about the study on Council’s website and through local media
- sending two Community Bulletins to all Phillip Island and San Remo property owners. A final Community Bulletin has now been sent out inviting people to read the draft document and provide comment on it.
Bass Coast Shire Mayor, Cr Neil Rankine, welcomed news of the release of the draft report.
“Council, the State Government and the Phillip Island community are very well aware of the transport pressures facing Phillip Island,” Cr Rankine said.
“This project is a real once in a lifetime opportunity for us to identify and document the issues and address them proactively.”
The draft Phillip Island Integrated Transport Study report is available on Council’s website or can be viewed in hard copy at Council’s Customer Service Centres in Wonthaggi and Cowes.
Comments can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to Council’s postal address (PO Box 118, Wonthaggi, 3995) marked to the attention of David Wall – Asset Management Coordinator.
The period for comment will close on Friday, 28 February 2014.
All comments will be forwarded to the consultants for consideration in the preparation of the final Study document.
For more information visit Bass Coast Shire Council