Arts Policy Review
Arts Policy Review
Council recently endorsed the updated Arts and Cultural Development Policy and new Public Art Policy (with Public Art Guidelines) for community consultation. Please use the links below to review the documents. If you would like to provide feedback for Council’s review, please email your comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This consultation closes on 16 September 2015.
Arts and Cultural Development Policy: The City of Darwin recognises the considerable benefits that are gained through a community’s engagement with the arts. Council acknowledges the social and personal benefits for individuals, the economic benefits through cultural and creative businesses and the impact of Darwin’s Indigenous heritage and contemporary inter-cultural artistic practices in promoting the lifestyle image of the city to visitors and residents.
The recently reviewed Arts and Cultural Development Policy sets out Council’s commitment to supporting a culturally vibrant city and outlines key themes for Council’s arts and cultural development program.
Public Art Policy: Council’s new Public Art Policy sets out Council’s strategic direction and defines the administrative framework for public art in the municipality. The new Public Art Policy provides a framework to realise and fully integrate public art across all of Council’s major strategies, arts and cultural development strategies, infrastructure developments, urban renewals and the Darwin City Centre Master Plan.
Public Art Guidelines: Our new Public Art Guidelines provide further information about the different types of public art, our commissioning process, as well as information about project proposals.
For more information visit City of Darwin