Brown Hill Keswick Creek Stormwater Project

Community consultation: Part B Report. Members of the public are invited to learn more about and comment on proposed flood mitigation measures for upper Brown Hill Creek during a community consultation process from Wednesday 13 May to Tuesday 23 June, 2015.

The consultation will focus on the Brown Hill Keswick Creek Stormwater Project’s “Part B Report” for upper Brown Hill Creek, which investigated eight flood mitigation options aimed at improving flood protection for homes and properties across the catchment.

All options involve two types of work along upper Brown Hill Creek to reduce the risk of flooding during high stormwater flows:

  1. Creek capacity upgrade works in critical sections (which vary for the eight options) to increase the capacity of the creek so it can carry more water; and
  1. Creek rehabilitation works along its full length to assist the flow of water along the creek and improve its biodiversity.

Three of the eight options (Options B1, B2 and D) were analysed in more detail as these are seen as the most viable and cost effective options. Of these, the “Creek Capacity Upgrade (Option D)” has been identified as the preferred option as it is the most cost effective way of achieving the necessary flood mitigation, and does not require the construction of a dam in upper Brown Hill Creek or high flow bypass culverts through suburban streets. Of the other seven options, Options B1 and B2 involve a dam but no culverts, Options A1 and A2 involve a dam and culverts and Options C1, C2 and C3 involve culverts but no dam, with all options also involving creek capacity upgrade works to varying extents and creek rehabilitation works as outlined above.

For more information visit City of Burnside