CLAIR Local Government Forum in Sydney Showcases Innovative Regional Solutions
CLAIR Local Government Forum in Sydney Showcases
Innovative Regional Solutions
Case studies from local governments in Japan and Tasmania demonstrate how local leaders can think outside the square to revitalise regional centres and communities.
More than forty local government professionals from Sydney and regional NSW benefited from a diversity of presentations at a forum co-hosted by The Japan Local Government Centre (CLAIR) and the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG).
Held at the University of Technology, Sydney in late November, the theme of the 2014 CLAIR Forum was 'Revitalise Your City' and aimed to encourage an exchange of ideas between local governments of Australia and Japan about the sustainability of regional places.
The Forum was facilitated by ACELG Centre Director, Associate Professor Roberta Ryan:
“There was an incredibly interesting range of presentations at the Forum that will greatly contribute to the discussion about the nature of regions and how they can be reinforced through interventions that are strategic, dynamic and collaborative.
“ACELG is committed to current research that emphasise the value of regional strengths and local leadership. The Forum has shown how tremendously important the issue is in both countries, and I again thank CLAIR Sydney for their positive efforts in fostering this exchange.”
Senior staff and researchers from Australian and Japanese local government discussed how regional centres can promote local products, as well as attract jobs, new residents and investment by maximizing regional characteristics and providing appropriate infrastructure and services.
Some of the presentations were ‘Industry Innovation in Hiroshima’ (Misa Hirasawa - CLAIR); ‘Local Government Growing Regional Australia’ (Alex Gooding - ACELG) and ‘Economic Development Perspectives from Tasmania’s fastest Growing City’ (Alderman James Walker, Clarence City Council).
These and other presentations will be available from CLAIR and ACELG websites soon.
CLAIR Sydney Director, Mr Yasuhiko Tanabe commented:
“Japan and Australia share the challenge of promoting regional areas as both appealing places to live and to conduct business. The Forum was very successful in demonstrating how local government leaders can be creative in attracting new and existing populations to regional cities.”
Provisional findings from an ACELG research partnership with Regional Capital Australia were also presented.
Example of innovative tourism – crop ‘painting’ from Aomorie Prefecture
Media comment:
A/Professor Roberta Ryan ACELG Director| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.| 0402 209 896 |