Council provides update on beach erosion

Mackay Regional Council is not in a position to fund any significant beach restoration work, but the Mayor says it will help residents navigate the State approval process to enable privately funded work to be carried out.

Mayor Deirdre Comerford says while council empathised with beach residents, fixing the problems is well beyond the financial capacity of local government.

“Mackay Regional Council area has 31 beaches and virtually every beach in our region sustained some damage,” she said.

Cr Comerford said the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection representatives were willing to meet with beach communities to discuss the approval process and necessary requirements and how best to submit a proposal.

“Some of these discussions with beach residents are underway and we will provide access to council land where required so any State Government approved foreshore work, funded by the residents, can take place,” she said.

An assessment report compiled by council officers estimated a repair bill of $360,000 for public infrastructure such as walkways, fencing and footpaths that council will address.

However Cr Comerford said constructing rock walls and completing sand renourishment work is not possible, given the current budget challenges.

“The State Government has said there is no money available for such work and unfortunately we are not in a position to fund it,” she said.

Council has instructed the Director of Community and Client Services to continue talks with DEHP and provide assistance to residents, where required.

Cr Comerford said native vegetation appeared to be the best form of defence against the King Tides and subsequent buffeting from Cyclone Dylan.

“From what we have witnessed, those beaches like Bucasia and parts of Blacks Beach with good functioning dune systems and native vegetation appeared to be the most resilient and were able to withstand the weather conditions with comparatively minor damage,” she said.

Cr Comerford said maintaining the natural coastal process is generally considered the most beneficial way of ensuring a stable beach profile over the longer term.

For more information visit Mackay Regional Council