Council puts case for Beechworth gaol to government
Council puts case for Beechworth gaol to government
A delegation led by the Indigo Shire Mayor Cr Bernard Gaffney met with Minister for Planning Mr Richard Wynne last week to put the case for the Beechworth Gaol to return to public ownership, with state government assistance.
The Beechworth Chamber of Commerce has been vocal in its support for the gaol returning to public ownership and Council presented its case to Minister Wynne, who is also a member of Cabinet.
“There was a positive response from Mr Wynne to develop public-private partnerships with the owner of the site,” Cr Gaffney said. “Although there was no indication the Victorian Government would buy the gaol, DEWLP contacted us the day after our meeting about building a business case for a public-private partnership.”
“This is what Council can do to best support community efforts in relation to the gaol. We put the case to government about the fate of the gaol and we have had a quick response,” Cr Gaffney said.
“As we have already stated a few weeks ago, Council is not in a financial position to buy the gaol but is prepared to take on a Committee of Management role and work with the owner and various parties to see a public-private partnership created to take over the site that may attract government funding.”
Council has also kept Legislative Council Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes up to date with information and community sentiment about the gaol, and has raised the community’s desire for the gaol to return to public ownership at senior levels of government departments including the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Department of Economic Development, Regional Development Victoria, and Heritage Victoria. The Chamber’s position was also provided last week to Michael McCormack, the Assistant Minister to Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss.
“Council understands the strong push in the community to secure the gaol’s future and we have advocated to government to this end. And the community can be assured, we will continue to do so,” Cr Gaffney said.
“Council will now work with the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning to develop a business case for public-private ownership. The Chamber of Commerce and local business and private sector operators will have a part to play in helping develop the business case.”
“Council’s view is that a strong push from the community, led by the community and supported by Council, is the most effective way to keep this issue alive,” Cr Gaffney said. “While we have advocated to Government and various departments, the voice of the community is what will make the most impact.”
The gaol and surrounding land, which was sold by the State Government to a Melbourne-based businessman in 2005, is zoned Mixed Use. The gaol is to be auctioned at 2pm onsite on Friday 27 November.
For more information visit Indigo Shire Council