Council renews calls for meeting with Minister on road plan
Council renews calls for meeting with Minister on road plan
Yarra Council has reiterated its request to the State Government for an open and transparent discussion on the impacts of its East West Road Link proposal.
Last week, Minister for Public Transport and Roads, Terry Mulder wrote to Council flagging his intention to use his ministerial powers to direct Council to consent to Linking Melbourne Authority drilling on local streets as part of preliminary works on the toll road project.
Council responded yesterday, requesting the Minister not issue such a direction without first meeting with the Mayor to discuss the project.
Yarra Mayor, Cr Jackie Fristacky said despite repeated requests, there had been no response from the Minister regarding meeting or to address community concerns with the project raised in Council letters.
“We have used this opportunity to once again seek a meeting with the Minister to discuss the East West Road Link, as we have done a number of times in the past months,” she said.
“Council has requested reports on traffic modelling impacts and economic benefits used to justify this proposal in the hope that there can be a sincere and open dialogue with the community about it.
“Council acknowledges that the Minister has legislative powers to override Council’s position on the drilling request.
“If he uses those powers, we have to comply with that Ministerial direction.
“However, this is not about small bore holes that could appear in Collingwood next month; this is about much larger holes that will appear in our community and, more broadly, in meeting Victoria’s transport infrastructure needs if this project proceeds.
“We are asking the State Government to re-examine its transport priorities as part of an overall metropolitan strategy, and to consult with and fairly serve communities across Melbourne, not just sectional interests as this project appears to do.”
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