23 Jul 2013

As part of the ongoing initiatives to reduce its operating costs, eliminate the Budget deficit and minimise the impact of any future rates increases to region residents, Bundaberg Regional Council has today offered voluntary redundancies across all sectors of its staff.

Bundaberg Regional Council Mayor, Cr Mal Forman, said Council was offering the voluntary redundancies as part of a review of its work processes and practices.

“Firstly, I must stress that Council values each and every one of its employees. They are the lifeblood of Council and have been integral to the implementation of much efficiency for the delivery of services and infrastructure across the region,” Cr Forman said.

“Unfortunately, Council, like most of the community, is facing financial challenges in the current economic climate. We are not immune and it is under these circumstances that I announce these voluntary redundancies.

“To assist in minimising rate increases in the future, Council will continue to implement transformational change strategies, including the extensive use of technology to improve and streamline processes across all business areas.

Cr Forman said Council had forecast a General Fund deficit of $3.5 million and overall deficit of $1.08 million for the 2013-14 financial year.

“This is something the Council has carefully considered and this isn’t a decision we’ve made lightly,” Cr Forman said.

Cr Forman added that most Council staff were eligible to submit a request apart from staff that were hired for a specific period.

He also confirmed that any redundancies would be carried out in accordance with either the redundancy arrangements in the Bundaberg Regional Council Certified Agreement 2011 or in accordance with employment contracts.

Council CEO and General Managers will be meeting with all teams across Council to discuss the changes and answer any questions staff may have.

Applications will be accepted from September 6 until October 11. All voluntary redundancy requests will be considered in accordance with a set criteria to ensure Council’s operational needs are met in the future.

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