Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Enhancing Devonport's environmental assets
Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Enhancing Devonport's environmental assets
Council endorsed for public comment the Devonport City Council Environmental Sustainability Strategy. This Strategy aims to achieve a more consistent approach across Council to environmental management, and to improve the Council's environmental performance. This Strategy will assist the Council to achieve the goal of Living Lightly on our Environment in Council's Strategic Plan 2009-2030.
"The implementation of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy will result in significant resource savings through improved energy efficiency, water efficiency and reducing waste to landfill," said Devonport Mayor, Alderman Steve Martin.
"The Strategy includes eight key outcomes, focussing on how Council tracks its environmental progress, how we improve our communication on environmental matters both to the public, and to assist in Council decision making, and includes a range of initiatives to maintain flora and fauna, and to encourage community ownership and participation in biodiversity protection.
"There are also a number of key actions to be achieved, and these are outlined in the Strategy. The draft Strategy will be on public exhibition from Thursday 22 August for a period of six weeks, concluding on Thursday 3 October 2013," Mayor Martin said.
Residents can have their say by visiting www.speakupdevonport.com.au/environment-sustainability-strategy and registering to have your say.
The draft Strategy will be available to download on Speak Up Devonport, and residents are encouraged to complete a series of short questions, the results of which will be considered at the end of the consultation period, before the Strategy is formally adopted by Council at its October meeting.