Event to commemorate the Anniversary of the National Apology
Event to commemorate the Anniversary of the National Apology
Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre in partnership with Greater Taree City Council is commemorating the 7th Anniversary of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s National Apology to the Stolen Generation with an event this week.
The event is open to all community members and is to acknowledge the local Aboriginal people affected by past policies who were removed from their families and experienced the disconnection from family, country and culture and who are now referred to as “the stolen generation”.
The event will begin at 10am on Friday 13 February 2015 at the front of Council’s Administration Centre in Pulteney Street with a formal ceremony including a flag raising and speeches from the Federal Member for Lyne, Dr David Gillespie MP, State Member for Myall Lakes, Mr Stephen Bromhead MP, Greater Taree City Council Mayor, Cr Paul Hogan as well as speeches from prominent community members.
At the conclusion of the formal ceremony everyone is invited in the Walking Together along the river to Harry Bennett Park to enjoy a morning tea. The key feature of the day is the Healing process through the Sharing of our Stories.
Aboriginal people are being offered a Finding Your Mob kit which will include everything needed to research the Family Records Unit and services, as well as information on historical facts about the Aborigines Welfare Board.Council’s Aboriginal Community Officer, Tracey Anderson says “the Finding Your Mob kits are a fantastic resource for Aboriginal people to find their family history. I encourage those in need of support to come into Taree Library, where they will find members of our Manning Wallamba Family History Group willing to assist”.
For more information visit Greater Taree City Council