Geelong planning issues with Victorian Planning Minister


Geelong Mayor Darryn Lyons will meet Victorian Planning Minister Matthew Guy on Monday afternoon to discuss local planning issues.

Amongst the topics Mayor Lyons will discuss will be the Caddys Road development proposal in Lara, the Portarlington Safe Harbour Project, streamlined planning processes and measures to prevent demolition by neglect.

“Geelong is one of the most important growth areas in the state so I intend to work closely with the planning minister to ensure appropriate development can occur without unnecessary obstacles,” said Mayor Lyons.

“The Victorian Government’s VicSmart Planning System is a step in the right direction in that it aims to ensure a quick turn around of basic planning applications.

“I will be seeking clarification of how the system will work and what the implications are for the Geelong community.

“Investors, developers and the broader community have made it clear they want to cut through the red tape.

“First item on the agenda however will be the concept of demolition by neglect – I am sick and tired of building owners who deliberately allow heritage buildings to fall into disrepair in order to get around heritage controls,” said Mayor Lyons.

“The Ritz building has become the unwanted poster child of this appalling practice

“This week Council passed a resolution to investigate legislative powers to prevent demolition by neglect - I will be seeking Minister Guy’s support to introduce measures that force building owners to properly protect buildings of heritage significance,” said Mayor Lyons.

Mayor Lyons said he would speak to Minister Guy about the Caddy Road proposal in Lara.

“The message from the Council and the community is clear - a 200 metre buffer zone between the proposed development and Serendip Sanctuary is essential,” said the Mayor.

“Council’s submission will reinforce the need for a 200-metre setback or buffer distance from Serendip Sanctuary, with the land within this setback to be retained in the Rural Living Zone and not available for conventional residential development,” he said.

The Mayor will also take the opportunity to lobby for the Portarlington Safe Harbour project – one of the City of Greater Geelong’s and G21’s priority projects for the region.

“The Portarlington mussel industry is a key component of the Bellarine economy and there is enormous growth potential for both mussel and oyster production.

“However the Portarlington Pier needs a major overhaul to properly support this industry and boost tourism visitation,” said Mayor Lyons

The City of Greater Geelong and G21 are lobbying for $26 million to commence stage one of the Portarlington Safe Harbour project.

The Portarlington Safe Harbour project will provide a much needed enhancement of the Portarlington Pier, breakwater and berths.

During his visit to Spring Street on Monday Mayor Lyons will also make a courtesy visit to Minister for Local Government Jeannette Powell.

For more information visit City of Greater Geelong