Gosford City Council Trusts

Tax deductable way of helping businesses give back to the community

Local citizens, businesses and organisations can take the opportunity to leave their own personal mark on the future of their community thanks to three trusts established by Gosford City Council.

Businesses and local citizens are able to donate or transfer items such as real estate or funds to three different trusts, managed by a board of community representatives and the General Manager and Mayor of Gosford City.

The Gosford Foundation Trust encourages and facilitates benevolent acts by those wishing to donate real estate, art or funds for public use and is designed to totally finance or subsidise recreational, cultural, environmental and other community facilities, programs and projects which benefit the Gosford neighbourhood.

The Gosford Protection of the Environment Trust was established to promote the protection and enhancement of the natural environment, particularly the conservation of flora and fauna indigenous to the Gosford City Local Government Area.

Contributions and gifts to the trust can be used for the acquisition, maintenance, preservation, enhancement or embellishment of land.

The Gosford Housing Trust provides an opportunity to collect funds and housing stock. The need for affordable housing has been identified in both council's Affordable Housing Strategy and the Residential Strategy which provides a framework for how council can address the needs of its residents through the provision of a mix of housing that is affordable, appropriate and sustainable.

Gosford City Council’s Director of Corporate Services, Mr. Nic Pasternatsky says that through their generous donations individuals and organisations will be eligible for tax deductions.

“These three options provide a great avenue for local citizens and organisations to give something back to their community while also being eligible for tax deductions.

“This fantastic contribution to Gosford City can be tailored to any interest through each of these individual trusts,” added Mr. Pasternatsky.

Donations can be made at any of Gosford City Council's Customer Service Centres located at Erina, Gosford, Kincumber and Woy Woy by cheque, cash, EFTPOS or electronic transfer.

Further information is available online at www.gosford.nsw.gov.au, from council's Customer Service Centres and all Gosford City Libraries.

For enquiries regarding Gosford City Council Trusts including the donation of non cash gifts, please contact Gosford City Council on 4325 8222 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.