Hay Park Multi Sports Pavilion progresses

The City of Bunbury Council has given approval to progress to the next stage of planning the Hay Park Multi Sports Pavilion.

A revised concept and costings was last night brought to Council for their consideration following a decision on 10 December 2013 to investigate a redesign of the pavilion. All tenders received for the initial concept, based largely on the City of Rockingham Larkhill Pavilion model, were well in excess of Council’s budget vision and subsequently a decision was made not to proceed with that specific building configuration.

The new more modest design concept, with a total budget of just under $5m, comprises two separate buildings. The first includes change rooms, storerooms and toilets with the second pavilion building incorporating a function area, food preparation spaces and outdoor viewing spaces.

The facility will cater primarily for soccer and rugby league, however it will also be available to other sports and communtiy groups as required for events, functions, meetings, trianing clinics and the like.

Mayor Gary Brennan said he is excited to see the plans for this facility taking shape.

“It is regrettable there have been delays in the construction of this pavilion, however it is essential that Council provides a facility that is within its means and the funding available.

“I am confident that we will have a solution that meets both the needs of the user groups while being affordable” he said.

Final consultation with key stakeholders will now commence to ensure their requirements are considered. A further report will be presented to Council prior to proceeding to the tender process.

Funding for the Multi Sports Pavilion is provided by the Department of Sport and Recreation and the City of Bunbury.

For more information visit the City of Bunbury