Hobart Central Bus Interchange Planning Project

The Hobart Bus Interchange Planning Project is a joint partnership between the City of Hobart, the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Metro Tasmania and the Tasmania Bus Association, known as TasBus and has been awarded funding from the Australian Government under the Liveable Cities Program.

The project is a transport planning study that aims to:

  • identify optimal arrangements for public transport access across the Hobart CBD, including location of a central interchange and bus stops
  • improve the amenity of bus travel, by providing for a high level of passenger comfort, safety and security while waiting for buses and transferring between bus services in the Hobart CBD
  • provide public transport access points that better meet the needs of public transport users
  • improve the travel time reliability of bus services travelling into and through the CBD
  • integrate regular passenger (bus) transport services into a single interchange facility or set of adjacent facilities
  • increase patronage on public bus services travelling to and through the Hobart CBD.

The project seeks to maximise the investment in existing bus infrastructure and services. Infrastructure and operational funding to implement the recommendations will be sought from a variety of sources.

A draft Plan to create more effective central and integrated transit interchange arrangements for public transport services in Hobart has been developed by the project consultant, Parsons Brinckerhoff, with input from the project partners.  The draft Plan is a technical report that proposes the location and concepts to develop the interchange facility in the short (10 Years) term.  

The main recommendations of the draft Plan are:

  • The existing Elizabeth Street Bus Mall and Franklin Square Bus Zone is the best location for public transport interchange in the city.
  • In the short term, improvements to bus operations, ticketing, information and bus stop infrastructure should be made. Some regional services should be relocated to the Bus Mall/Franklin Square area.
  • In the long term, a shared regional terminal should be co-located in the vicinity of the Metro services.  This terminal will include waiting facilities and toilets that could be used by all passengers using the interchange.

For more information visit City of Hobart