Investment in waste management

Work has now commenced on the placement of waste in the new landfill lined area situated southwest of the existing landfill in Bonnick Road. 

Gympie Regional Council advises that the newly constructed landfill area is environmentally superior to those of the past because it ensures full containment of waste and leachate and minimises the adverse effects on surface waters and groundwater.

The landfill area includes a geo-synthetic clay liner (GCL) and a low permeability clay layer overlaid with drainage aggregate to contain, collect and control landfill leachate.  A leachate pump well and pump system will be in operation to ensure that any liquid material that has elevated concentrations of contaminants is recirculated into the landfill where it is fully contained.

Construction also includes a new 2100mm diameter pipeline and detention basin to route stormwater around the landfill along with a sediment basin with sealed access to the area. In addition, there will be security fencing and a vegetated strip between the landfill site and cemetery and between the landfill and Bonnick Road.

At a total cost of $3 million, this has been a major project and investment by council and it will provide disposal airspace for residual refuse for Gympie and the region for several years.

Councillor Mick Curran said, "Completion of the new land fill area will provide waste disposal certainty to Gympie for the next few years while longer term options are explored."

Landfilling is the last resort and we urge residents to reuse or recycle wherever possible", he said.

Given the importance of waste management to the community and the high capital and operational cost to provide this service, council will invest significant funds over the next ten years in waste disposal projects.

For more information visit Gympie Regional Council