Lithgow a Proud Supporter of KNSWB

Lithgow supports NSW’s premier organisation for litter reduction and environmental sustainability, Keep New South Wales Beautiful, at its annual fundraising dinner.

The aims of KNSWB have been to work with very passionate individuals and groups across NSW to educate, motivate and reward communities to create sustainable and a more beautiful environment. Lithgow has been a long and proud supporter of KNSWB and has won many awards during this time and which culminated in Lithgow being NSW’s and Australia’s Tidiest Town in 2011. Recently the annual Premier’s Dinner 2014 was held as KNSWB’s major fundraising event and to encourage participation in KNSWB’s latest program ‘Take the Pledge’. The Dinner is named and attended by the NSW Premier, the Hon. Mike Baird.

“I am very proud of the role that Lithgow has played with KNSWB” said Lithgow City Mayor, Councillor Maree Statham “our local tidy towns organisations have done wonderful work in helping to beautify the local area”.

“We are well represented by our hard working and dedicated local tidy towns organisations of Cullen Bullen, Portland, Rydal and Lithgow” said Mayor Statham.

“To help support and promote the very worthy purpose of KNSWB I attended the Premier’s Dinner 2014 together with Councillors Higlett and Pilbeam”.

“Premier Baird is a proud supporter of KNSWB but is also a proud supporter of Lithgow and has help us greatly with our efforts to improve our community, especially with his support for funding for the Lithgow Aquatic Centre.”

“With the annual Tidy Towns Awards to be held shortly I wish our local tidy towns organisations well with their entries” concluded Mayor Statham.

Providing responsible leadership for the community and protecting the environment through litter reduction are strategic actions in the Community Strategic Plan 2026.

For more information visit Lithgow City Council