Local Heritage Funding Available for Heritage Properties
Local Heritage Funding Available for Heritage Properties
Nambucca Shire Council is looking for property owners and managers who want to tap into assistance from Council and the NSW government to carry out conservation and maintenance work on their heritage properties.
Through assistance from the Office of Environment and Heritage, Council is able to offer dollar for dollar funding for works that will help preserve our important heritage places throughout the Nambucca Shire.
Applications are being called for suitable projects on heritage properties, with the first priority being those listed in the Shire’s Local Environmental Plan. Properties that are not listed will still be able to apply however.
Due to the requirements of OEH, this round of funding must be spent by mid-April 2014, so time is tight and potential applicants are urged to visit the Nambucca Shire Council website today to get more information, including an application and guidelines.
Visit Nambucca Shire Council website