Mayor gives thanks to our Brave Fire Fighters & Volunteers

At the Civic Ballroom last Friday the many Brave Fire Fighters and community volunteers were thanked and congratulated for their efforts in fighting the Lithgow Fire last October.

As we all know a devastating fire commenced at the Army Camp in Reserve Road Marrangaroo on the afternoon of Wednesday 16 October 2013 that then proceeded to impact on many areas of the Lithgow township including burning near Oakey Park, Morts Estate, Clarence, Dargan, Doctors Gap and Hartley as well as communities outside of the Lithgow Local Government Area. In the end the Fire burnt out well over 50,000 hectares (500 square kilometres) and took many weeks to extinguish. In order to fight this Fire there were many volunteers, not only from the Lithgow area, but also from many other communities that came to fight the fire.

“It is at this time that we saw the strength of the Lithgow community” said Lithgow City Council Mayor, Councillor Maree Statham ”It was a time that I feared the worst with the absolutely dreadful weather conditions and the dry rugged terrain that the volunteers had to encounter.”

“With the hard work of those involved in fighting the fire we fortunately avoided having scores of homes being lost and, more importantly, there was no loss of life” said Mayor Statham.

“With the fire season well and truly passed it is time to thank the many brave fire fighters that came to our aid to protect our community and also those community volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes.”

“These volunteers came from within the Lithgow Local Government Area and many different areas to fight the fire, they came here from both the Sydney metropolitan area and many rural areas, fire fighters also came in from the ACT, Victoria and Tasmania.”

“While we cannot thank all those people individually we held a function at the Civic Ballroom to thank the volunteers for their efforts.”

“The Civic Ballroom itself was also a site where the volunteers worked furiously to provide the volunteer fire fighters with comfortable makeshift sleeping conditions for some 190 people and additional 50 fire fighters at the Basketball stadium."

"I was, and still am, overwhelmed with the efforts of all of the volunteers".

“To all of those involved in the fighting of that devastating fire, from the bottom of my heart, I truly thank you” concluded Mayor Statham

Recognising and celebrating the hard work and dedication of our dedicated volunteers is part of Council’s Caring for the Community strategy in the Community Strategic Plan 2026. 

For more information visit Lithgow City Council