Mayor welcomes news of federal drought tour
Mayor welcomes news of federal drought tour
After personal representation to Federal Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce, Mayor Robert Loughnan is elated by the announcement that tomorrow's (12 September) federal drought tour will include a very brief stopover in Mitchell.
The tour will stop in at the Mitchell Airport at 12noon tomorrow. Minister Joyce will be accompanying Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey through some of the worst drought affected areas in the country.
Cr Loughnan said tomorrow's visit will be a time for the ministers to meet some of the Maranoa residents directly affected by this severe drought.
"We are looking at our residents south of Mitchell facing the worst drought in over a century – having the ministers come and discuss with residents the severity of these conditions, in addition to the government response to it, is very welcome," Cr Loughnan said.
"It is important for the drought response to remain a strong priority in the federal arena."
Councillor Cameron O'Neil, Portfolio Chair for Economic Development said that with this plight currently faced by many residents in the Maranoa region, he too is keen for an assurance of continued support for the towns and for those on the land.
"With drought not only affecting our landholders, we are well aware that the complete dynamics of a community can shift for the worse during these kinds of conditions. We applaud the Federal Government's commitment to addressing drought stricken areas of Queensland and appreciate the opportunity to discuss first hand with the ministers the area of most concern in the Maranoa Regional Council area," Cr O'Neil said.
"One shower is not enough to break a drought and it is important for this issue to remain a key talking point for the leaders of our country."
For more information visit Maranoa Regional Council