Multi-million dollar road repair program nears completion

Contract work on the multi-million dollar Natural Disaster Relief Recovery Arrangements Project (NDRRA) within the Charters Towers Regional Council area is nearing completion.

NDRRA is a Federal Government funded program that includes funds to repair sections of the Charters Towers Regional Council's road network damaged during the extended 2012 wet season.

Work under the NDRRA-QRA (Queensland Reconstruction Authority) funded project within the Charters Towers Regional Council area has been managed by PDM (Project Delivery Managers Pty Ltd), appointed by Council for that purpose.

Councillor Roma Bailey, whose portfolio responsibilities includes roads infrastructure, said the relationship between Council and PDM has been very successful.

"Under the NDRRA arrangement, all work by all contractors must be adequately supervised and the scope of work inspected," Cr Bailey said.

"This has been the success story throughout this project. I don't think the whole process could have been better managed."

Cr Bailey said a total of 10 contractors had been successful in gaining work during the NDRRA project within the Charters Towers region.

"This is very significant, I believe, because all of these contractors and their employees have been spending money locally which of course has benefited local businesses," he said.

Council's director of Roads Infrastructure Cameron Scott said the NDRRA project has been vital in returning damaged sections of Council's 4099km road network to pre-flood conditions.

"One of the pluses for Council in this very large project has been the ability of Council to win a number of contracts via the competitive process," Mr Scott said.

"Because of this success Council's Roads Infrastructure staff have been involved in very significant road repair work around the Council region. This is something that has not happened in the past."

Council confirms that to date works valued at over $40 million have been completed in the regions with works closer to the city currently in progress.

One contractor, Minns Haulage, is currently working on a number of roads close to the Charters Towers urban area.

PDM director Andrew Franzmann called on motorists who encounter contractors on the roads to be patient and to drive safely through the work site area.

"Repair work on every one of these roads will ultimately benefit the entire community and the road users. The safety of all personnel is a priority on all these works, drivers need to obey directions and drive to the conditions," Mr Franzmann said.

 "The site works are expected to be completed May 2014, under the NDRRA arrangement for funding, all contracts must be completed and inspected by 30 June this year and that is on target to be achieved."

Cr Bailey said the delivery of high quality road repair work through the NDRRA project will provide a long-term benefit to Council.

"By delivering a quality product from the contractors, this should assist Council's road maintenance program in future years and that is a major benefit to the community and road users." Cr Bailey said.

For more information visit Charters Towers Regional Council