New CEO Tracey Slatter appointed at the City of Port Phillip
Mayor Cr Amanda Stevens says she is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Tracey Slatter as the new CEO of the City of Port Phillip, and that Council is looking forward to working closely together with Ms Slatter to provide the best outcomes for the Port Phillip community.
As a former Local Government CEO and Senior Executive in the Victorian Public Service, Ms Slatter brings 20 years of diverse leadership experience to the organisation, including four years as the CEO of Colac Otway Shire. She is currently employed as Head of Claims for the Transport Accident Commission.
Ms Slatter has successfully led the delivery of numerous major community infrastructure programs and new models of service including a community education precinct, the Primary Care Partnerships Program, the Victorian Neighbourhood Renewal Program, improved services for people injured in transport accidents and strategies for managing growth and change.
Mayor Cr Amanda Stevens says, “Ms Slatter has a proven track record in local government and large organisations in delivering high quality services to the community.
“Ms Slatter displays excellent leadership skills in building high performing organisations, delivering quality services and working with the community. Tracey has shown outstanding commitment to the community over the last two decades, and has worked in partnership with all key stakeholders to achieve the best possible outcomes throughout her career,” she said.
The Mayor also acknowledged the work of the Executive Management team and the staff during the interim CEO transition period.
“On behalf of the Council, I would like to thank our staff, particularly Interim CEO Vanda Iaconese and the Executive Management team for all their hard work over the last six months.
“It is not always easy transitioning to a new CEO and the staff have shown an exemplary level of professionalism throughout this phase. I would also like to thank the candidates for the CEO role, all of whom were of an extremely high calibre,” she said.