Planning for Healthy, Happy and Active Community
Planning for Healthy, Happy and Active Community
The City of Perth has released a draft Public Health and Wellbeing Plan that focusses on what makes a healthy community and how to achieve it.
Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi said the draft plan as its title suggests looks beyond physical health and also addresses the overall wellbeing of the community.
“We want to make sure as a local government we are helping our community of residents, workers and visitors make positive lifestyle choices,”
The City of Perth has undertaken extensive community consultation to aid the preparation of the plan.
As a result, four key priority areas have been identified including:
- environment and health;
- healthy lifestyles;
- social health; and
- emergency management.
Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi said these four priority areas are underpinned by strategies and actions the help us achieve our goal of a healthy, happy and safe community.
“In order to successfully implement this plan we will work with the community and key stakeholders.”
The City of Perth invites stakeholders, residents, visitors and city workers to consider the draft Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and provide feedback by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This feedback will be evaluated and incorporated into the final Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, ensuring the City’s goals for health and wellbeing are aligned with the community.
For more information visit Public Health and Wellbeing